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You can install ggalign from CRAN using install.packages("ggalign"). Alternatively you can install the development version of ggalign from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


ggalign pacakge provides two layout to arrange ggplot objects:

To further customize these layouts, we offer following functions:

  • align_group(): Group layout axis into panel with a group variable.
  • align_kmeans(): Group layout axis into panel by kmeans
  • align_reorder(): Reorders layout observations based on weights or summary statistics.
  • align_dendro(): Reorder or Group layout based on hierarchical clustering

For more detailed instructions on customizing layouts, see the vignette: vignette("align-layout").

Additionally, plots can be added in the layout with following functions:

For more information on adding plots, refer to the vignette: vignette("align-plot").
