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Determine the active context of heatmap layout


  position = NULL,
  size = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  guides = NA,
  free_labs = NA,
  free_spaces = NA,
  plot_data = NA,
  theme = NULL,
  what = waiver()



Which heatmap annotation should get activated? Possible values are follows:

  • A string of "top", "left", "bottom", or "right".

  • NULL: means set the active context into the heatmap itself.


A unit object to set the total size of the heatmap annotation. This will only be used if position is a string of "top", "left", "bottom", or "right".

  • If position is "top" or "bottom", size set the total height of the annotation.

  • If position is "left" or "right", size set the total width of the annotation.

width, height

Heatmap body width/height, can be a unit object. Only used when position is NULL.


A boolean value or a string containing one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicates which guide should be collected. If NULL, no guides will be collected. Default: "tlbr".


A boolean value or a string containing one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicates which axis title should be free from alignment. If NULL, all axis title will be aligned. Default: "tlbr".


A boolean value or a string containing one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicates which border spaces should be removed. If NULL (default), no space will be removed.


A function used to transform the plot data before rendering. By default, it'll inherit from the parent layout. If no parent layout, the default is NULL, which means we won't want to modify anything.

Used to modify the data after layout has been created, but before the data is handled of to the ggplot2 for rendering. Use this hook if the you needs change the default data for all geoms.


A theme() object to rendering the guides, title, subtitle, caption, margins and background. Only used when position is NULL.


What should get activated for the anntoation stack? Only used when position is not NULL. See stack_active for details.


A heatmap_active object which can be added into HeatmapLayout.


ggheatmap(matrix(rnorm(81), nrow = 9)) +
    hmanno("top") +