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Ordering observations based on summary weights or a specified ordering character or integer index.


  weights = rowMeans,
  reverse = FALSE,
  strict = TRUE,
  data = NULL,
  active = NULL



A summary function which accepts a data and returns the weights for each observations. Alternatively, you can provide an ordering index as either an integer or a character. Since characters have been designated as character indices, if you wish to specify a function name as a string, you must enclose it with I().


<dyn-dots> Additional arguments passed to function provided in weights argument.


A boolean value. Should the sort order be in reverse?


A boolean value indicates whether the order should be strict. If previous groups has been established, and strict is FALSE, this will reorder the observations in each group.


A matrix, data frame, or atomic vector used as the input for the weights function. Alternatively, you can specify a function (including purrr-like lambda syntax) that will be applied to the layout matrix, transforming it as necessary for weight calculations. By default, it will inherit from the layout matrix.


A active() object that defines the context settings when added to a layout.

Discrete Axis Alignment

It is important to note that we consider rows as observations, meaning vec_size(data)/NROW(data) must match the number of observations along the axis used for alignment (x-axis for a vertical stack layout, y-axis for a horizontal stack layout).


ggheatmap(matrix(rnorm(81), nrow = 9)) +
    anno_left() +
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`