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Arrange multiple plots into a grid


  ncol = NULL,
  nrow = NULL,
  byrow = TRUE,
  widths = NA,
  heights = NA,
  design = NULL,
  guides = waiver(),
  theme = NULL



<dyn-dots> A list of plots, ususally the ggplot object. Use NULL to indicate an empty spacer.

ncol, nrow

The dimensions of the grid to create - if both are NULL it will use the same logic as facet_wrap() to set the dimensions


If FALSE the plots will be filled in in column-major order.

widths, heights

The relative widths and heights of each column and row in the grid. Will get repeated to match the dimensions of the grid. The special value of NA will behave as 1null unit unless a fixed aspect plot is inserted in which case it will allow the dimension to expand or contract to match the aspect ratio of the content.


Specification of the location of areas in the layout. Can either be specified as a text string or by concatenating calls to area() together.


A string with one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicating which side of guide legends should be collected. Defaults to waiver(), which inherits from the parent layout. If there is no parent layout, or if NULL is provided, no guides will be collected.


A theme() object used to customize various elements of the plot, including guides, title, subtitle, caption, margins, panel.border, and background. By default, the theme will inherit from the parent layout.


An alignpatches object.


# directly copied from patchwork
p1 <- ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_point(aes(mpg, disp))
p2 <- ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_boxplot(aes(gear, disp, group = gear))
p3 <- ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_bar(aes(gear)) +
p4 <- ggplot(mtcars) +
p5 <- ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_violin(aes(cyl, mpg, group = cyl))

# Either add the plots as single arguments
align_plots(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)

# Or use bang-bang-bang to add a list
align_plots(!!!list(p1, p2, p3), p4, p5)

# Match plots to areas by name
design <- "#BB
align_plots(B = p1, A = p2, design = design)

# Compare to not using named plot arguments
align_plots(p1, p2, design = design)