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This function extends ggplot2's title functionality, allowing you to add titles to each border of the plot: top, left, bottom, and right.


  top = waiver(),
  left = waiver(),
  bottom = waiver(),
  right = waiver()


top, left, bottom, right

A string specifying the title to be added to the top, left, bottom, and right border of the plot.


A labels object to be added to ggplot.


The appearance and alignment of these patch titles can be customized using theme():

  • plot.patch_title/plot.patch_title.*: Controls the text appearance of patch titles. By default, plot.patch_title inherit from plot.title, and settings for each border will inherit from plot.patch_title, with the exception of the angle property, which is not inherited.

  • plot.patch_title.position/plot.patch_title.position.*: Determines the alignment of the patch titles. By default, plot.patch_title.position inherit from plot.title.position, and settings for each border will inherit from plot.patch_title. The value "panel" aligns the patch titles with the plot panels. Setting this to "plot" aligns the patch title with the entire plot (excluding margins and plot tags).


ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_point(aes(mpg, disp)) +
        top = "I'm top patch title",
        left = "I'm left patch title",
        bottom = "I'm bottom patch title",
        right = "I'm right patch title"