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This function extends ggplot2's title functionality, allowing you to add titles to each border of the plot: top, left, bottom, and right.


  top = waiver(),
  left = waiver(),
  bottom = waiver(),
  right = waiver()


top, left, bottom, right

A string specifying the title to be added to the top, left, bottom, and right border of the plot.


A labels object to be added to ggplot.


You can also use labs() to specify the titles (use arguments "top", "left", "bottom", and "right") for the top, left, bottom, and right borders of the plot.

The appearance and alignment of these patch titles can be customized using theme():

  • plot.patch_title/plot.patch_title.*: Controls the text appearance of patch titles. By default, plot.patch_title inherit from plot.title, and settings for each border will inherit from plot.patch_title, with the exception of the angle property, which is not inherited.

  • plot.patch_title.position/plot.patch_title.position.*: Determines the alignment of the patch titles. By default, plot.patch_title.position inherit from plot.title.position, and settings for each border will inherit from plot.patch_title. The value "panel" aligns the patch titles with the plot panels. Setting this to "plot" aligns the patch title with the entire plot (excluding margins and plot tags).


ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_point(aes(mpg, disp)) +
        top = "I'm top patch title",
        left = "I'm left patch title",
        bottom = "I'm bottom patch title",
        right = "I'm right patch title"