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The quad_discrete function arranges plots in the quad-side of a main plot by aligning discrete variables along two axes. quad_alignb is an alias for quad_discrete for historical reasons.


  data = waiver(),
  mapping = aes(),
  theme = NULL,
  active = NULL,
  width = NA,
  height = NA

  data = waiver(),
  mapping = aes(),
  theme = NULL,
  active = NULL,
  width = NA,
  height = NA



Default dataset to use for the layout. If not specified, it must be supplied in each plot added to the layout. By default, it will try to inherit from parent layout. fortify_matrix() will be used to convert data to a matrix.


Default list of aesthetic mappings to use for main plot in the layout. If not specified, must be supplied in each layer added to the main plot.


Additional arguments passed to fortify_matrix().


A theme() object used to customize various elements of the layout, including guides, title, subtitle, caption, margins, panel.border, and background. By default, the theme will inherit from the parent layout. It also controls the panel spacing for all plots in the layout.


A active() object that defines the context settings when added to a layout.

width, height

The relative width/height of the main plot, can be a unit object.


A QuadLayout object.

ggplot2 specification

The data in the underlying main plot contains following columns:

  • .panel_x and .panel_y: the column and row panel groups.

  • .x and .y: an integer index of x and y coordinates

  • .discrete_x and .discrete_y: a factor of the data labels (only applicable when .row_names and .column_names exists).

  • .row_names and .column_names: A character of the row and column names of the original matrix (only applicable when names exist).

  • .row_index and .column_index: the row and column index of the original matrix.

  • value: the actual matrix value.