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stack_active is an alias for stack_switch(), which sets what = NULL by default.


stack_switch(sizes = NULL, what = waiver(), ...)

stack_active(sizes = NULL, ...)



A numeric value or a unit object. When used for the quad_layout() annotation, it must be of length 1. When used in the stack_layout() with a nested quad_layout(), it should be of length 3, specifying the relative heights (for direction = "h") or widths (for direction = "v") to be applied to the layout.


What should get activated for the stack layout? A single number or string of the plot elements in the layout. If NULL, will remove any active context, this is useful when the active context is a quad_layout() object, where any align_*() will be added to the quad_layout(). By removing the active context, we can add align_*() into the stack_layout().


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A stack_switch object which can be added to stack_layout().


stack_discrete("h", matrix(1:9, nrow = 3L)) +
    ggheatmap() +
    # ggheamtap will set the active context, directing following addition
    # into the heatmap plot area. To remove the heatmap active context,
    # we can use `stack_active()` which will direct subsequent addition into
    # the stack
    stack_active() +
    # here we add a dendrogram to the stack.
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`