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This is similar with ggalign() function, but it will always use the layout panel data. ggpanel is just an alias of align_panel.


  mapping = aes(),
  size = NULL,
  free_labs = waiver(),
  free_spaces = waiver(),
  plot_data = waiver(),
  limits = TRUE,
  facet = TRUE,
  set_context = TRUE,
  order = NULL,
  name = NULL

  mapping = aes(),
  size = NULL,
  free_labs = waiver(),
  free_spaces = waiver(),
  plot_data = waiver(),
  limits = TRUE,
  facet = TRUE,
  set_context = TRUE,
  order = NULL,
  name = NULL



Additional default list of aesthetic mappings to use for plot.


Plot size, can be an unit object.


A boolean value or a string containing one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicates which axis title should be free from alignment. If NULL, all axis title will be aligned. Default: "tlbr".


A boolean value or a string containing one or more of "t", "l", "b", and "r" indicates which border spaces should be removed. If NULL (default), no space will be removed.


A function used to transform the plot data before rendering. By default, it'll inherit from the parent layout. If no parent layout, the default is NULL, which means we won't want to modify anything.

Used to modify the data after layout has been created, but before the data is handled of to the ggplot2 for rendering. Use this hook if the you needs change the default data for all geoms.


A boolean value indicates whether to set the layout limtis for the plot.


A boolean value indicates whether to set the layout facet for the plot. If this is FALSE, limits will always be FALSE too.


A single boolean value indicates whether to set the active context to current plot. If TRUE, all subsequent ggplot elements will be added into this plot.


An single integer for the layout order.


A string of the plot name. Used to switch the active context in hmanno() or stack_active().


A AlignPanel object.

ggplot2 specification

align_panel initializes a ggplot data and mapping.

The internal will always use a default mapping of aes(y = .data$.y) or aes(x = .data$.x).

The data in the underlying ggplot object contains following columns:

  • .panel: the panel for current layout axis.

  • .index: the index of the original layout data.

  • .x or .y: the x or y coordinates


ggheatmap(matrix(rnorm(81), nrow = 9)) +
    hmanno("top") +
    ggalign() +
    geom_point(aes(y = value))