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Transforms the plot data. Many functions in this package require a specific data format to align observations, plot_data() helps reformat data frames as needed.


plot_data(data, inherit = FALSE)



A function to transform the plot data before rendering, referred to as plot_data. Acceptable values include:

  • NULL: No action taken.

  • waiver(): Inherits from the parent layout.

  • A function or purrr-style formula: Used to transform the plot data, which should accept a data frame and return a data frame. You can apply this after the parent layout plot_data function, using the inherit argument.

Use this hook to modify the data for all geoms after the layout is created (for matrix data, it has been melted to a long format data frame) but before rendering by ggplot2. The returned data must be a data frame for ggplot.


A single boolean value indicates whether to apply the parent plot_data first and then apply the specified plot_data for the plot. Defaults to FALSE.


Defaults will attempt to inherit from the parent layout if the actual data is inherited from the parent layout, with one exception: align_dendro(), which will not inherit the plot_data by default.