13  Difference with ggplot2

ggalign focuses on aligning axes across multiple plots. While it builds on the ggplot2 framework, there are key differences in how scales, facets, and coordinates are handled. This chapter highlights these syntax differences.

13.1 Position Scales

To better fit the alignment-based layout, ggalign introduces adjustments to breaks, labels, and expand arguments.

For discrete values, ggalign introduces special syntax and handling for these axes, differing from the default behavior in ggplot2. These adjustments ensure that observations are properly aligned and operations are user-friendly.

The following syntax applies to the axes used to align observations (discrete values).

13.1.1 breaks

breaks and labels are typically handled similarly to discrete scales, as we focus on aligning observations (which should be regarded as discrete variables); no matter what you use is continuous scale or discrete scale.

breaks should be one of:

- `NULL` for no breaks

- `waiver()` for the default breaks (the full data index or `NULL` if no
data names and `labels` is `waiver()`)

- A character vector of breaks (rownames / colunames of the matrix).

- A numeric vector of data index (must be an integer).

- A function that takes the data names or the data index as input and
returns breaks as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. 

Default breaks without names:

no_names <- small_mat
colnames(no_names) <- NULL
ggheatmap(no_names) + scale_x_continuous()
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

No breaks:

ggheatmap(small_mat) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

ggheatmap(small_mat, filling = FALSE) +
    geom_tile(aes(.discrete_x, .discrete_y, fill = value)) +
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = NULL)

Character-based breaks use data names (or indices if names are absent)

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c("column3", "column5")) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

ggheatmap(small_mat, filling = FALSE) +
    geom_tile(aes(.discrete_x, .discrete_y, fill = value)) +
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("column3", "column5")) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)

Integer-based breaks are interpreted as data indices:

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(3, 5)) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

ggheatmap(small_mat, filling = FALSE) +
    geom_tile(aes(.discrete_x, .discrete_y, fill = value)) +
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = c(3, 5)) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)

Floating numbers are invalid for breaks:

ggheatmap(small_mat) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(3.5, 5))
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`
#> Error in `scale_x_continuous()`:
#> ! Can't convert from `breaks` <double> to <integer> due to loss of precision.
#> • Locations: 1

To interpret integers as plot-specific coordinate indices, wrap them with I():

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = I(3:4)) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

13.1.2 labels

labels should be one of:

- `NULL` for no labels

- `waiver()` for the default labels (data names)

- A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)

- An expression vector (must be the same length as breaks). See `?plotmath`
for details. 

- A function that takes the data names (or data index if data has no names)
as input and returns labels as output. This can be also a rlang lambda

The default labels are the data names (or indices if names are absent):

ggheatmap(small_mat) + scale_x_continuous() + anno_top() + align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

No labels:

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels = NULL) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

Character labels will be reordered based on the data’s ordering:

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels = letters[seq_len(ncol(small_mat))]) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

To retain the original order of character labels, wrap them with I():

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels = I(letters[seq_len(ncol(small_mat))])) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(k = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

By default, labels correspond to breaks:

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(5, 3), labels = c("a", "b"))
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

To override the default matching, wrap the labels vector with I():

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(5, 3), labels = I(c("a", "b")))
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

13.2 theme

Although ggplot2 does not officially support vectorized input for theme elements, we can still utilize it. ggalign extends this feature, allowing theme elements to be vectorized and applied across panels.

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
        axis.text.x = element_text(
            colour = c(rep("red", 4), rep("blue", 5))
        axis.ticks.x = element_line(
            colour = c(rep("red", 4), rep("blue", 5))
        axis.ticks.length.x = unit(rep(c(1, 4), times = c(4, 5)), "mm")
    ) +
    anno_top() +
    align_dendro(aes(color = branch), k = 3L) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion()) &
    theme(plot.margin = margin())
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#> ℹ Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`

13.3 Facets

When working with facets, manual configuration of the panel using the facet_*() functions is not possible since the internal structure will use facet_grid() to set the row/column groups defined by align_*() functions. However, you can still use facet_grid() or facet_null() (if no panel) to control other arguments except aligned panels (rows in horizontal stack layout or cols in vertical stack layout, or both rows and cols in heatmap body).

A common use case is to modify the panel strip text. The default theme (theme_ggalign()) will always remove the panel strip text, you can override this behaviour with theme(strip.text = element_text()) to add the panel title in the plot area.

ggheatmap(small_mat) +
        labeller = labeller(.column_panel = function(x) letters[as.integer(x)])
    ) +
    theme(strip.text = element_text()) +
    anno_top() +
    align_kmeans(centers = 3L)
#> → heatmap built with `geom_tile()`